The Guidance Layer of the Cul-de-sac Courtyard Physical Environment Evaluation Toolkit (CPEET)

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Anniz Fazli Ibrahim Bajunid
Mohamed Yusoff Abbas
Abdul Hadi Nawawi
Wan Norhishamuddin Wan Rodi


The environment-behaviour of a cul-de-sac courtyard poses an array of intriguing questions, both qualitatively and quantitatively. In establishing a systematic and reliable evaluation of these micro-neighbourhoods, a sequence of procedural best practices of an evaluation toolkit was introduced. Documenting measurable evidences as well as illustrating the anecdotal nature of a cul-de-sac courtyard requires specific and duplicable chronicling processes. The Cul-de-sac Courtyard Physical Environment Evaluation Toolkit (CPEET), adapted appropriately from AEDET Evolution and ASPECT, became the foundation of the toolkit.


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How to Cite
Ibrahim Bajunid, A.F., Abbas, M.Y., Nawawi, A.H. and Wan Rodi, W.N. 2016. The Guidance Layer of the Cul-de-sac Courtyard Physical Environment Evaluation Toolkit (CPEET). Asian Journal of Quality of Life. 1, 1 (May 2016), 23–33. DOI:


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