The Implementation of Sustainable Energy Initiatives in Campus Buildings
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Sustainable energy initiatives are one of the substantial measures toward achieving environmental sustainability goals and should be adopted by facilities management practices in university. This paper examined the sustainable energy initiatives implemented at three (3) participated universities with the objectives to identify the most current effective initiatives undertaken and to propose future improvement strategies. The perception of six (6) key persons was observed via a semi-structured interview. The most implemented strategies were establishing energy awareness programs, adopting energy-efficient appliances and equipment, managing time schedules, and implementing the prepaid metering system. The study suggested that the firm commitments and participation from all parties in universities are needed towards achieving a sustainable campus.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Mohamad Sufian Hasim, Wan Farissa Haslin Wan Azam, Ahmad Ezanee Hashim, Nor Rima Muhamad Ariff
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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