Illuminated Furniture as the Atmospheric Factor of Café Interior Design

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Prabu Wardono
F.X. Nugroho Soelami


Behavioral research of lighting is so far limited to that which is set above eye-level. This research project studies the atmospheric effects of illuminated furniture on mood. Using quasi-experimental method, two sets of illuminated furniture were laid out in a café and three different modes of atmospheric qualities resulted were investigated. Seventy student volunteers were asked to join this experiment and report their feelings toward each of those conditions. We used ANOVA statistic to analyze the data. The result shows that the atmospheric quality resulted from a constant setting of illuminated furniture were the most favorable in influencing customer's mood. 


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How to Cite
Wardono, P. and Soelami, F.N. 2018. Illuminated Furniture as the Atmospheric Factor of Café Interior Design. Asian Journal of Quality of Life. 3, 10 (Mar. 2018), 69–77. DOI:


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