Privately-Owned Public Space for Public Use

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Achmad Delianur Nasution
Wahyuni Zahrah


The study investigated the using of privately-owned public space (POPS) in two gated communities in Medan, Indonesia. The activities of people during the weekend and the physical setting of the POPS were recorded through observation and visual survey. The research found that most of the visitors were not satisfied with the public open space, but they used it intensively. The study indicated that the better quality public open space was more livable compared to the poor quality. Since the visitors in the two public open spaces were mostly people who live outside the gated community, the private-owned public space contributed to public life.


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How to Cite
Nasution, A.D. and Zahrah, W. 2017. Privately-Owned Public Space for Public Use. Asian Journal of Quality of Life. 2, 7 (Jul. 2017), 11–19. DOI:


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